
Bohemian Rhapsody

By request - Bohemian Rhapsody. Last month a youtube phenomena showed up, The Muppets latest release, Bohemian Rhapsody. Nothing much to say about this apart from: IT'S AWESOME!!! I mean, c'mon, who doesn't love The Muppets? And this cover is pure gold, long time since original release, new lyrics and video, both mimicking the original but with the special touch only The Muppets can create.

'The Muppets - Bohemian Rhapsody' - COVER

Original by Queen (1975)

Cover by The Muppets (2009)



OK, next one is Leonard Cohens song Hallelujah. I've heard this song a few times and really haven't given it any bigger attention, it's a decent tune, nothing more, nothing less. Then I watched Scrubs (wonderful TV-show) and heard someone sing it as a cover and... I loved it from the first moment.

The original is sung way too staccato for my taste and there's really not a good flow throughout the song. This is where Jeff Buckley succeeded. He didn't change the tune that much but the song is much more harmonical which makes it easier on my ears.

'Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah' - COVER

Original by Leonard Cohen (1981)

Cover by Jeff Buckley (1994)


Hum, hum från Humlegården

Showing my swedish roots (and catering to the wishes of my wife) I have to include this one, Hum hum från Humlegården, a swedish prog tune from 1974. It's kinda slow mellow tune that just makes you wanna go up and kick the ass on whoever's playing it, just so they'd speed it up a bit.

And that's just what Lars Winnerbäck did 2003, speeding it up and making it a hit again.

'Hum hum från humlegården - Lars Winnerbäck' - COVER

Original by Ragnar Borgedahl (1974)

Cover by Lars Winnerbäck (2003)

Behind blue eyes

Now here's a harder one, harder cause I really like Limp Bizkit and the cover as much as the original. But there's just one thing, they are too alike (apart from the final part). Even though they waited 32 years to make this it just don't add anything new to the song (well, Halle Berry in the video is nice news though). Kudos though for making this old wonderful song popular once again. But unfortunately:

'Limp Bizkit - Behind blue eyes' - KARAOKE

Original by The Who (1971)

Cover by Limp Bizkit (2003)

Mad world

Going along nicely since I have a few stuff lined up in my head at the moment. Next up is Mad World. I'll make it quick and easy, I'm not so fond of the original but I love the cover made by Michael Andrews & Gary Jules.

The song has been slowed down to a point where the lyrics really stand out, in the original the beat kinda ate them. The whole feel in the song has been altered by this change in pace and in changing the instruments from electronic to acoustic.

'Mad World - Michael Andrews & Gary Jules' - COVER

Original by Tears for fears (1982)

Cover by Michael Andrews & Gary Jules (2001)

Sweet dreams

OK. Second post, this time I'm also going for an easy one. Sweet dreams originally made by Eurythmics. 16 years later Marily Manson did a cover. I'll be frank with you, I can't stand Marilyn Mansons music normally, he looks hideous and has weird opinions about a lot of things (even though he's very well articulated and a smart person).

However, this cover I find just brilliant. It's been made a long time after the original tune, thus making us who loved the original relive some of the memories, and it has been altered quite a bit, from electronic pop to some kind of metal/rock.

So, the verdict:
'Marilyn Manson - Sweet dreams' - COVER

Original by Eurythmics (1983)

Cover by Marilyn Manson (1999)

Viva la vida

Let's start with an easy one. Viva la vida by Coldplay.

This tune was released 2008 and by 2009 it's been slaughtered by swedish idol contented Johan and another swedish idol contender, Darin, has made a cover of it.

IF you're gonna make a cover of a song that's only 1 year back, why not at least try to put your brain into it and make it a tad more different? As it is now, it's just a karaoke version featuring Darin.

So... the verdict is:
'Darin - Viva la vida' - KARAOKE
'Johan - Viva la vida' - My ears bleed... learn to sing

Live version by Coldplay

Version by Darin

Version slaughtered by Johan from swedish idol